Three Scenarios for Nigeria in 2050 - NESG

Описание к видео Three Scenarios for Nigeria in 2050 - NESG

At the 25th Nigerian Economic Summit held in October 2019, Wilson Erumebor, an Economist with the Nigerian Economic Summit Group (NESG) presented Three Scenarios for Nigeria as we approach the year 2050. The presentation explored Nigeria from three different lenses- Nigeria Rises; Nigeria Stagnates and Nigeria Fails. The presentation revealed some actionable steps to achieve the Nigerian Rises scenario.

Nigeria’s population is rapidly growing at over 3% per annum. Estimates show that by the year 2050, Nigeria will be the third most populous country with a population of over 400 million. As the population increases, there will be significant pressure on social amenities, infrastructure, food demand, human capital needs and jobs. How prepared is Nigeria for this demographic explosion and what are the possible scenarios that would likely play out from now to 2050?


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