LOST RAILS: A CN Branch: Last Train from Midland, 1994

Описание к видео LOST RAILS: A CN Branch: Last Train from Midland, 1994

From the crew at sceniking.com...
The last remaining segment of the Midland Railway of Canada, one of the country's oldest rail lines, became the Midland Sub of Canadian National Railways. Surviving on limestone shipments from Uhthoff and two remaining shippers of silica sand and flour from Midland, the quarry traffic went first, and the other products are seen in their final lifts in this tribute. With the demise of the Midland Sub, which would have been critical to the need for the Newmarket Sub through Barrie and Orillia, another chapter in available rail service to smaller communities across Canada became final. Come with us now, and for more on the Newmarket Sub, see "Barrie to Parry".
This production is dedicated to John Thomson (1927-2000), who was my companion on that day, and with whom I had the pleasure of many years of exploring distant rail venues, running our HO railroads, comparing notes, and just parking near the line and resolving the issues of the world in general, and the Presbyterian Church in particular.
My thanks to Jeremy Fleming for his talent and assistance in completing this production.


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