Quick-to-make Rommegrot - Lakeland Cooks!

Описание к видео Quick-to-make Rommegrot - Lakeland Cooks!

Quick-to-make Rommegrot

Make it in the microwave? Ya, you betcha!


1 stick (1/4 pound) butter, divided

¼ cup all-purpose flour

2 cups half-and-half, heated

2 tablespoons sugar

¼ teaspoon salt


2 tablespoons sugar

1½ teaspoons cinnamon


Mix topping ingredients in a small bowl and set aside.

Melt 4 tablespoons (1/2 of the stick) butter in a 4-cup glass measure in the microwave. Remove from microwave and add flour, stirring with a whisk until the mixture is smooth. Gradually add the heated half-and-half, constantly stirring with a whisk until mixture is smooth. Put the mixture back into the microwave and cook on HIGH setting for 4 minutes, stirring after each minute. After cooking for 4 minutes, remove from microwave and stir in sugar and salt.

Pour into a casserole dish or individual custard cups. Melt remaining 4 tablespoons butter and pour on top of the Rommegrot. Sprinkle generously with Topping.

Sue's Tips:

When it's this easy to make, you've just got to try it!


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