Grooming Day for BIG FAMILY of Dogs | Talkative German Shepherd | Mastiff Hates Bath Time | 20+ Dogs

Описание к видео Grooming Day for BIG FAMILY of Dogs | Talkative German Shepherd | Mastiff Hates Bath Time | 20+ Dogs

Firstly apologies for not posting the last 5 days. We’ve had internet issues. We took it as a small blessing in disguise and enjoyed some extra family time together; two and four legged. We are all healthy and happy, and sorry to have caused any concern.

This is salon or grooming day. Maxine arrived in her little blue trailer ready to shampoo and spruce our doggies with sweet smelling scents and cute funny bandannas.

We love Maxine. But some of us still don’t much like bath time.

Dad sweetened the day further with a big cook up on the BBQ. All was forgiven with some sizzling sausages and chicken.

With the change in season, we’re experiencing some flare ups in the skin department. The humans have hay fever and the doggies have itchy feet and tummies.

Cruiser the Dingo has been loving pack life. He wants nothing more than to be close to the pack. From sunrise until sunset. We’re making every effort for him to be as much a part of everything as we can. Even in the evening, when the kids have gone to bed, we are trying to encourage him to come inside. We haven’t quite got there yet, but he wants it so bad.

Thank you to you all for always looking out for our family over here in Jilliby. Checking if we’re ok. And of course watching our videos which help us out so very much. Thank you deeply.


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