English in a Minute: Staycation

Описание к видео English in a Minute: Staycation

Welcome to English in a Minute!

A trip to faraway beaches or mountains is great. But staying close to home and exploring can be fun, too!


A: Jonathan, do you have plans to go anywhere for the long weekend?

J: Nah, I’m going to make this holiday a staycation. My last vacation outside the city was A LOT of work.

A: I hope you enjoy your staycation … hey like the song! “Staycation all I ever wanted...

J: “...Staycation meant to be spent at home.”

A staycation is a vacation spent visiting places in your local area. It combines the words ‘stay’ and ‘vacation.’ A staycation can be much less stressful than a trip away from home.

And that’s English in a Minute!Originally published at - https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a...


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