Описание к видео ORION'S BELLS

This video is a REMIX VERSION of the Orion's Bells techno oriented track with visualisation shared previously.

A 'lighter' mix as the loudness took a big hit in the last version. I'm hoping this version which takes the drum and bass down some will be a little louder and relatable, musical even.

Whilst experimenting with this remix it's possible a few elements of the video effects will have changed a little, more audio reactive ones are likely to be affected and random background texts for instance.

Again, if you hate the track but are reading this then maybe Code 360 will be more relatable.

This track includes a digital sythesizer patch, not something I regularly do but do find it interesting. The patch builds a rythmic pattern from scratch with LFOs making all the movement against a few latched notes. I was using the Waldorf Iridium for this. One of the oscillators is using a kernel with an FM Bells preset, hence the title. For comparison though I think the 2hp Bell sounds better, just might possibly need a few of them to be happy though. Drums and bass were added later via Erica Synths Drums and Baseline and have been turned down in the context of this track, now not so brutal.

Has it improved loudness, idk!


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