First steps into macrophotography with a WeMacro Rail

Описание к видео First steps into macrophotography with a WeMacro Rail

Sometimes the weather gods don't smile on astronomers, leaving us to wonder what else we can do to image the world around us.

Your answer is macrophotography. Using similar image stacking techniques, you can get the most intricately detailed images of the tiniest subjects.

But macrophotography brings its own challenges, most difficult being that the depth of focus of individual images is very small, meaning any photo you take will be mostly out of focus, with just a few pixels being sharp.

The WeMacro Rail manages all this, moving your camera and lens through the critical focus zone, and taking exposures as it goes. You don't need to touch anything, which would risk ruining the shot.

After this, the focus stacking software does the rest.

Bill shows each step in this, which we intend to be the first of a few videos about the world of the WeMacro Rail. He ends up with a detailed and focused image of a printed circuit board.


Sidereal Trading is a developer, designer and manufacturer of high-end telescopes. We're based in Melbourne, in South East Australia, under the awesome Southern Hemisphere skies.

We sell and support telescopes, mounts, domes and electronic gear, including dome automation. We also sell a wide range of cameras, focusers, macro gear, and other accessories. And because we're staffed by astrophotographers, not only do we know something of our trade, we're also obsessive about quality.

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Introduction music:
Incidental music: Kevin MacLeod /


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