कथन एवं निष्कर्ष || Statement and conclusion || PART 4
Your Query:
*Statement and Conclusion Reasoning* is a type of logical reasoning problem where you are given a statement(s), and based on the information provided, you need to determine whether specific conclusions logically follow. These questions test your ability to infer and deduce using logic.
Here’s how you approach such problems:
1. *Understand the Statement*
Read the statement carefully. It often contains facts or conditions, and you must treat it as true, even if it seems incorrect in real life.
2. *Analyze the Conclusions*
Evaluate each conclusion independently to determine if it logically follows from the statement.
3. *Types of Conclusions*
**Direct conclusion**: Explicitly follows from the statement.
**Implicit conclusion**: Can be inferred from the statement but isn’t directly stated.
**Contradictory conclusion**: Goes against the statement.
4. *Common Logical Indicators*
**All, some, none**: Pay attention to quantifiers. For example:
"All cats are animals" doesn’t imply "All animals are cats."
**If-then**: Conditional statements. For example:
"If it rains, then the ground is wet" doesn’t imply "If the ground is wet, it rained."
**Possibility vs. certainty**: Ensure the conclusion is not assuming more certainty than the statement allows.
5. *Key Techniques*
**Assume nothing outside the given statement**: Base your reasoning solely on the information provided.
**Venn diagrams**: Useful for solving problems involving groups or sets.
**Elimination**: Eliminate conclusions that contradict the statement.
**Conclusion 1**: False. The statement doesn’t establish any relationship between dogs and cats.
**Conclusion 2**: True. It logically follows that all cats belong to the category of animals.
#### *Example 2*
**Statement**: If you exercise, you will stay fit.
1. If you don’t exercise, you will not stay fit.
2. Staying fit depends on exercising.
**Conclusion 1**: False. The statement doesn’t mention what happens if you don’t exercise.
**Conclusion 2**: True. It can be inferred that exercising helps you stay fit.
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कथन एवं निष्कर्ष || Statement and conclusion || PART1 | Reasoning Trick |, कथन निष्कर्ष, Statement conclusion, Conclusion reasoning, Statement question, Conclusion question, व्याख्या प्रश्न, सोच तकनीक, तर्क सिद्धांत, तार्किक प्रश्न, निष्कर्ष तकनीक, अन्वेषण कथन, निष्कर्ष विचार, व्याख्या तकनीक, प्रश्न कौशल, तर्काधारित प्रश्न, तर्कशक्ति विकास, तर्क का सिद्धांत, सोचने की कला, कथन तकनीक, निर्णय तकनीक, व्याख्या क्षमता, सोचने की तकनीक, सोच प्रक्रिया, विचारण विधि, निर्णय विधि कथन एवं निष्कर्ष || Statement and conclusion || PART 3, Statement conclusion, Statement question, Statement question reasoning, Statement reasoning, कथन कार्यवाही, कथन कारण, Statement course of action, तर्क शक्ति, कथन विधि, धारणा विश्लेषण, निष्कर्ष प्रश्न, कारण कार्रवाई, कार्यवाही निष्कर्ष, कार्यवाही प्रक्रिया, तर्क क्षम कथन एवं निष्कर्ष || Statement and conclusion || PART 4, Statement conclusion, Statement question, Statement reasoning, कथन निष्कर्ष, कथन कारण, कथन प्रभाव, Statement conclus
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