SFNode Meetup: JavaScript Features - From Idea to Implementation with Jordan Harband (TC39 delegate)

Описание к видео SFNode Meetup: JavaScript Features - From Idea to Implementation with Jordan Harband (TC39 delegate)

In this engaging talk, Jordan Harband, the maintainer of nvm.sh and a TC39 delegate, will guide the audience through the journey of JavaScript features from conception to implementation. Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of the processes involved in evolving JavaScript, including proposal stages, committee discussions, and the intricacies of gaining consensus in a diverse community. Jordan will share insights from his firsthand experiences with TC39, illustrating how ideas are refined, tested, and finally integrated into the language. This session is ideal for developers, educators, and technology enthusiasts eager to understand how JavaScript continues to evolve and adapt to meet the needs of users worldwide.

Speaker: Jordan Harband
Github: @ljharb
Twitter: @ljharb


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