What If Darth Maul Joined Forces with Asajj Ventress

Описание к видео What If Darth Maul Joined Forces with Asajj Ventress

What If Darth Maul Joined Forces with Asajj Ventress? Let’s explore the depths of this scenario in the video.

Ventress stands on the deck of the First Light, the personal transport of Dryden Vos, the ruler of the Crimson Dawn. She heard rumors that he was hiring a large force of mercenaries, but she didn’t expect this. There had to be a small army of bounty hunters, brigands, and mercenaries aboard his ship.

Most of them are chatting or drinking with each other as serving droids move between them, carrying trays of fine wines and luxurious foods.

The crime boss himself stands atop a platform and spreads his hands out to greet them.

Dryden: Greetings, friends. I hope you’re enjoying this little party. There will be plenty more of those depending on how well this meeting goes.

The mercenaries all stop what they’re doing to look at the Crimson Dawn leader.

Dryden: Now, onto business. I have a job for you all, probably one of the biggest heists the galaxy has ever seen. Stealing an entire planet!

The whole room fills with gasps. A few laugh and others lean in closer to hear what he’s saying. Among them is Ventress who feels a faint smile across her lips.

Dryden: Of course, to pull something like that off I’m gonna need fighters, many more than who we have here. As we speak, we are approaching my headquarters where the rest of the army is assembling. There, we will figure out who is up for this mission and who isn’t. Anyone who isn’t interested, step forward now and we’ll let you out.

A few of the mercenaries look at each other, then some begin to step forward.

Dryden: Laughs. Don’t have a risk appetite, is it? I understand. Guards, throw them out.

His security droids begin grabbing the mercenaries who refused and leading them away. When some resist, the Crimson Dawn leader’s eyes begin to flash.

Dryden: A bonus for anyone who helps deal with this riff-raff.

Those who remain grin and draw their weapon. The first among them is Ventress who disarms the few dissidents with her lightsabers, allowing the droids to lead them to the airlock.

By the time they are finished, Dryden watches her and smiles. Soon, the ship lands on Maul’s fortress on Dathomir, much to Ventress’s surprise. She recognizes the old Nightsister hideout and looks around for any sign of them or Mother Talzin. For a moment, she believes that they might still be alive and are leading this operation.

But as she searches, all she finds are more criminals and bounty hunters. That is until Dyden and some guards approach her.

Dryden: Excuse me, Ventress, is it?

Ventress: Ya, what do you want?

Dryden: Well I have informed my master about you and he would like to request a private audience with you.

Ventress: That depends on what you told him.

Dryden: That you take the initiative and have the skills to back it up. A rare combination in my experience.

Ventress: In that case, I’d be glad to meet them.

She lets the crime boss lead her down the familiar cave systems, feigning ignorance as she looks around and searches for any sign of her sisters. Unfortunately, she finds nothing until a figure appears from the shadows.

Ventress’s eyes widen as she comes face to face with Darth Maul. The Sith Lord flashes a wicked smile as he regards her.

Maul: Ahh, Ventress.

Dryden: Oh you already know each other. Good. Master, this is the bounty hunter I was telling you about.

Maul: Yes, now finish the preparations for my invasion.

Dryden nods and marches off, leaving the two to stare at each other.

Maul: I see you are doing well for yourself. That is good because I need your talents.

​​Ventress: And what makes you think I’d be interested in helping you?

Maul: Because plan to liberate Mandalore and create a new world for our people, to honor Mother Talzin’s legacy.

Ventress: Mandalore? You expect me to believe you care about the Mandalorians?

Maul: The planet can sustain us. Its warrior culture will strengthen the Nightbrothers and Nightsisters. Look around you, there is nothing left for our people on Dathomir. On Mandalore, we can thrive.

Ventress: You must be truly desperate if you’re asking for my help. What’s the real catch, Maul?

Maul: The Empire. They’re oppressing Mandalore just as the Separatists did to Dathomir. Tell me, is that something you can allow to happen again?

Ventress freezes and feels her fingers tighten into a fist.

Ventress: I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy, but neither would I shame myself by working with you.

Maul: Shame? I am willing to forgive our past quarrels and your treatment of Savage by recruiting you. And paying you handsomely. This is bigger than us…sister. This can allow our people to emerge stronger.

Ventress: So what will you have me do?


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