What If Darth Maul DEFEATED Palpatine On Mandalore

Описание к видео What If Darth Maul DEFEATED Palpatine On Mandalore

During "The Clone Wars," the galaxy was engulfed in a devastating conflict between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Republic, a war that resulted in countless deaths. Orchestrated by Darth Sidious, the war aimed to dismantle the Republic and obliterate the Jedi Order. But amidst this turmoil, a third faction emerged, combining forces from various crime syndicates and the Death Watch, a group of Mandalorian warriors.

Led by Maul and his Mandalorian cohorts, they devised a cunning plan to overthrow Mandalore's pacifist government. By staging an attack on Mandalore's capital with the crime syndicates, they set the stage for Death Watch to heroically expel the attackers and claim leadership, thus restoring the traditional warrior ethos of Mandalorian society. The plan succeeded, and Mandalore fell under the joint control of Death Watch and the syndicates.

However, perceiving Maul and his brother as threats, Pre Vizsla, leader of Death Watch, betrayed and imprisoned them—a move Maul had anticipated. Breaking free, Maul challenged Vizsla to a duel for Mandalore's fate. The clash was intense, with the combatants' lightsabers—a blur of red and black—dazzling the onlookers. Ultimately, Maul triumphed, decapitating Vizsla with the Darksaber and proclaiming, "Only the strongest shall rule."

This victory split Death Watch, with half supporting Bo-Katan and the other half siding with Maul, sparking a civil war among the Mandalorians, undermining Mauls rule over Mandalore and his plans as a whole. In the midst of a mandalorian civil war cuased by this split, Palpatine seized his moment, imprisoning Maul and killing his brother.

But what if Maul was able to defeat Palpatine? This video explores how Maul might have defeated Palpatine and the wild timeline that may have taken place if he had. And before we begin, I’d also like to thank Darth Mike for suggesting this video. Your name will be entered into the VF saber Dooku giveaway. For a chance to have your name entered into the prize draw, comment your what if ideas and lore questions down below. Anyway, on with the video.

The point of departure for this timeline concerns Bo-Katan, and her decision to reject Maul as the new leader of the Death Watch.

As Maul stood victorious, the Darksaber raised high, the room resonated with the chilling sound of Pre Vizsla's body and head tumbling down the steps of the throne. Bo-Katan, amidst her shock and grief over her comrade's death, faced a monumental decision. Could she, should she, acknowledge an outsider as the ruler of Mandalore? Her entire life had been dedicated to upholding Mandalorian traditions, yet here she was, contemplating breaking them to prevent an outsider from ascending to the throne.

The Mandalorian crowd, eyes fixed on her, awaited her decision. With a heavy heart, she concluded that if Maul had rightfully won the Darksaber, then so be it. Afterall, the humans that now made up Mandalorian society had also once been outsiders to this tradition. Thus, reluctantly, she and the remaining members of Death Watch knelt before Maul, signaling their acceptance of his leadership.

Maul, seizing this pivotal moment, got his proxies to address the anxious crowds gathering around the palace. A new dawn for Mandalore was proclaimed—an era devoid of pacifism, where their civilization would reclaim its might. The crowd, invigorated by the promise of strength and renewal, erupted in cheers.

Turning his attention to the leaders of the various crime syndicates allied with him, Maul outlined his grand vision: the creation of a new Sith-Mandalorian Empire. This empire would harken back to the glory days of the Old Republic, signaling a return to prominence and power for Mandalore.

In this alternate timeline, with Bo-Katan's reluctant support, Maul's rule could have heralded a significant shift in the galaxy's balance of power. The establishment of a Sith-Mandalorian Empire would pose a formidable threat not only to the Republic but also to Palpatine's own designs. With Mandalore's strategic position and warrior prowess, combined with the cunning and resources of the crime syndicates, this new empire could have altered the course of galactic history. With no resistance from Bo-Katan's Nite Owls, Maul is able to enforce a stringent lockdown over Mandalore. Civilians are instructed to don their ancestral battle armor, mobilise their industrial base for war and stand ready for an attack from whomever that may come from.

With Maul able to focus upon matters other than the unification of Mandalore, he reaches out to the remnants of the disparate night sisters using the dark side, inviting them to Mandalore to partake in the forthcoming war. Maul also reaches out to hios Mother, who’s spirit was trapped within the spirit realm. With their minds focused, they come up with a plan that would alter the fate of the Galaxy.


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