Cockburn Clinic 21.7.24 - JZ

Описание к видео Cockburn Clinic 21.7.24 - JZ

Terrific improvement over the course of the clinic, primarily in gaining length and extension through the stroke.
In this video we can see a number of issues:
Lack of central axis - core not engaged and hip dropping on breath cycle
Poor extension of arms front and back of stroke - truncated
Early stroke changeover
Uneven rotation - more to breathing side
Kick initiated largely from knees not hips
Engaging upper arm (retraction) too early in catch-pull phase

Over the clinic you lengthened and implemented a central axis which gave your stroke greater stability and control. It was excellent to see the changes were making significant improvements to your efficiency.

Lateral kick and face down kick with stretched arms in position 11, single arm working lateral chain and central axis, catch-up, mid-scull


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