Sringeri Jagadguru illustrates from Sundarakandam on the Uselessness of Anger (Tamil)

Описание к видео Sringeri Jagadguru illustrates from Sundarakandam on the Uselessness of Anger (Tamil)

While there are many teachings in the Gita, a question posed by Arjuna and the answer given by Bhagavan is of great significance to everyone. Arjuna questions Bhagavan on who or what makes man commit sins, even when he does not desire to do so, and there are no external factors to influence. The Lord replies that the cause are kama (desire) and krodha (anger) that are present in the minds of people.

काम एष क्रोध एष रजोगुणसमुद्भवः ।
महाशनो महापाप्मा विद्धयेनमिह वैरिणम् ॥

The Jagadguru illustrated the effect of anger from the Sundara Kanda of Valmiki Ramayanam. After Hanuman had had Darshan of Mother Sita, he had been captured by Ravana and his tail had been set on fire. At that time, Mother Sita on hearing this wished for Hanuman’s well-being – मङ्गलाभिमुखी तस्य सा तदासीन् महाकपेः. She prayed for his well-being thus:

यद्यस्ति पतिशुश्रूषा यद्यस्ति चरितं तपः ।
यदि वाप्येकपत्नीत्वं शीतो भव हनूमतः ॥

If I have not thought of anyone else but my husband Sri Rama, and have served him well, let not Hanuman be harmed by fire. Meanwhile, Hanuman unaffected by his burning tail had set fire to Lanka. For an instant, Hanuman felt happy that he had burnt all of Lanka. However, he immediately felt that he had committed a blunder. He wondered if some harm would have befallen Mother Sita due to the fires he had set. He was crestfallen when this thought struck him and felt the purpose of his mission might have become a failure. He then reflects on the effects of anger that made him burn Lanka, expressing thus:

क्रुद्धः पापं न कुर्यात् कः क्रुद्धो हन्यात् गुरूनपि ।
क्रुद्धः परुषया वाचा नरः साधून् अधिक्षिपेत् ॥
नावाच्यमस्ति क्रुद्धस्य नाकार्यं विद्यते क्वचित् ॥

“What act would an angry man abstain from? What words would he not use? Seething with anger, He would not hesitate to insult even the noble. He is likely to commit any kind of sin and may even harm those worthy of worship.”

Hence even those wild actions that you would not dream of doing will get done under the influence of anger.

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