Autistic Meltdowns in a Female Adult | AUTISM IN GIRLS

Описание к видео Autistic Meltdowns in a Female Adult | AUTISM IN GIRLS

In this episode of Autistically Me, you'll learn about what an Autistic Meltdown is and what it looks like in a 25-year-old adult female with ASD. I talk about my experiences as a child, my triggers, the aftermath of having one, and some tips that can help me when I feel one coming on.

In this video I include actual footage of me having a meltdown. It was a more minor one and on the tail end of it, but someone once asked me to see what an actual meltdown looked like, so I filmed a few seconds of one. It could be a trigger for some people, so please watch with digression. I do put a warning before it pops up, so you will be notified before it plays so that you can skip it if you need to.

Instagram: @OliviaHops
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Female Autistic Traits - Female ASD Traits - Females with Autism - Autistic Females - Girls with Autism - Women with Autism - Autistic Meltdown - Autism Meltdown - ASD Meltdown



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