বঙ্গদেশ কালীপূজার সূচনা || History of the beginning of Kali Puja in Bengal ||

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Rural India – In our Rural India channel we upload educational video on culture, education, architecture, economics, history, geography & mysteries of Rural India .
Hello friends, If you know of any such historical place or if anyone would like to make such a documentary then let us know than you can contact us through Facebook, Instagram or email.
Every year in the month of kartrik , Kali Puja festival is celebrated in Bengal and all over India . The festival of Kali Puja is celebrated with the ritual of Bhutchaturdashi, Kali Puja, Deepabali and Bhatriditiya. Krishnananda Agambagish is considered to be the promoter of Kali Puja in Bengal. After 1728 A.D King Krishnachadra Roy of nadia started worshiping Kali Puja in Bengal. From then on Kali Puja became popular in Bengal.
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#History of the beginning of Kali Puja in Bengal

Ghost Video - mixkit-creepy-ghost-nun-walking-looking-at-the-camera-41759
Thanks to https://mixkit.co/
Night Sky Video - mixkit-fireworks-at-night-sky-4064
Thanks to https://mixkit.co/
Sky & Mountain - mixkit-landscape-of-a-mountain-range-4366
Thanks to https://mixkit.co/
Brother & Sister Video - pexels-kampus-production-7492859
Thanks to https://www.pexels.com/videos/.
Music credit - https://mixkit.co/
Crystalline – Amulets
Thanks to https://mixkit.co/
Important historical information – www.google.co.in
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