Meridian Yin Yoga for Lung & Large Intestine Meridians

Описание к видео Meridian Yin Yoga for Lung & Large Intestine Meridians

Meridian Yin Yoga for the Lung and Large Intestine meridians and immunity, as well as pain and tension in the neck and shoulders.

This pair of Yin and Yang arm meridians travel along the arms, shoulders and neck, also making this practice ideal for alleviating pain and stress in these regions.

The Lung Meridian absorbs Qi (vital energy) from the air around us, refines it and redistributes through the body. It also plays a major roll in our immune system, and thus stimulating this meridian can boost our immunity and resistance to external pathogens.
The Large Intestine Meridian​, which the Lung Meridian is paired with, is in charge of elimination of waste and toxins.

Please practice with care and awarness to your own body and its limitations. By following and participating in my lessons and videos you agree that your mental and physical wellbeing are your own responsibility.


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