✧˚ · .Be a Serene Queen ✧˚ · .

Описание к видео ✧˚ · .Be a Serene Queen ✧˚ · .

✧˚ · . Subliminals are audio or visual messages designed to influence the subconscious mind. These messages, often embedded within music or videos at a low volume or rapid speed, aim to promote positive changes in behavior, thoughts, or physical appearance without the conscious mind being aware of them. ✧˚ · .

✧˚ · . To enhance the effectiveness of subliminals, listen regularly and maintain consistency. Use them in a calm environment, like before sleep or during meditation. Stay hydrated to keep your brain functioning optimally.
Believe in their effectiveness and keep a positive mindset. Play them at a comfortable volume and be patient, as results may take weeks or months. Pair subliminals with visualization techniques, imagining the desired outcomes while listening. ✧˚ · .

✧˚ · . Affirmations used in the subliminal ✧˚ · . :

"I am a serene queen, calm and composed in every situation. I radiate strength and allure, effortlessly drawing admiration. I handle challenges with grace, and I am confident in my abilities. I attract positivity and maintain my regal demeanor, no matter the circumstances."

✧˚ · .Song used in the subliminal ✧˚ · .:

-Serene Queen by Lana Del Rey (unreleased)


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