Balance in Game Design

Описание к видео Balance in Game Design

Balance is an often misunderstood concept in games, as it isn't necessarily the objective of design, but a tool to craft specific experiences. Beyond simply how games get balanced though, why is this an ideal we strive for in our systems of play?

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Sai Krishna Kuruturi
Joao Marcos
Ben Craig


Game Balance - Ian Schreiber, Brenda Romero

Elden Ring is massively unbalanced, but balance is overrated anyway , Eurogamer

A Course about game balance , GDC
   • A Course About Game Balance  

How to Play Virtua fighter 5 , DandyJ
   • How to play Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate...  

-Final Fantasy 8 Junction system
   • Final Fantasy VIII - Junction System ...  

Why modern fighting games seem to lack depth
   • Why modern games seem to lack depth  

Additional footage
Elden Ring    • "Mimic tear ashes isn't broken"  
Final Fantasy 8    • Final Fantasy VIII Walkthrough Part 2...  


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