What is Pure Land Buddhism?

Описание к видео What is Pure Land Buddhism?

Although it may be little known in the West, Pure Land Buddhism is in fact one of the most widely practised branch of Mahayana Buddhism in the East, especially in countries like China, Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, etc.

In recent years many Mahayana Buddhists (regardless of lineage) have begun to chant the name of Amitabha Buddha in order to seek rebirth into the Pure Land and exit the cycle of reincarnation.

This is the only path taught by the Buddha that allows us to exit the cycle of reincarnation, and become liberated from all suffering of life, without first obtaining enlightenment.

In the sutra, the Buddha recommends that everyone practice Amitabha recitation during the Age of Dharma Decline and seek rebirth into the Pure Land. When we gain rebirth into the Pure Land, we will have infinite life and obtain enlightenment fairly quickly.

There are over 290 Mahayana Sutras which mention Amitabha Buddha. The Pure Land Sutras consists of five sutras plus one treatise. The most important scriptures are the three primary sutras in which Shakyamuni Buddha taught us directly about Amitabha Buddha and His Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss in great detail:

1) Amitabha Sutra (Shorter Sukhāvatīvyūha Sūtra) - a brief description of what the Pure Land looks like and why & how we should seek to be reborn there.

2) Infinite Life Sutra (Longer Sukhāvatīvyūha Sūtra) - contains a much more detailed and lengthy description of Amitabha Buddha's past life, His 48 vows, as well how the Pure Land came about, what the Pure Land looks like and how to seek rebirth.

3) Contemplation/Visualisation Sutra (Amitāyurdhyāna Sūtra) - focuses on techniques to seek rebirth and also describes 9 levels of rebirth. It includes two techniques:
1. Visualisation - relatively difficult
2. Amitabha recitation - relatively easy & highly recommended!

4) The Rebirth Treatise (Sukhāvatīvyūhopadeśa) - Bodhisattva Vasubandhu’s commentary on the Infinite Life Sutra which praises the wonder of the Pure Land.

5) The Practices and Vows of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra (from the final chapter of the Avataṃsaka Sūtra) - details how Bodhisattva Samantabhadra encourages all other Bodhisattvas from the Pure Land of Vairocana Buddha to seek rebirth into Amitabha Buddha's Pure Land.

6) The Perfect and Complete Realization of Bodhisattva Mahāsthāmaprāpta (extract from chapter 5 of the Śūraṅgama Sūtra) - this succinct chapter (only 244 Chinese characters) summarises the technique of Amitabha recitation, which is to perfectly control the six senses (five senses plus mind) with continuous pure thoughts. This chapter also summarizes the effective benefits of mindfulness of Amitabha Buddha. Without the help of any other expedient, the heart will be opened.

If you want to learn more about Pure Land sutras, you can Google "Five Pure Land Sutras" and download the first PDF that comes up:

I hope to translate these Pure Land sutras directly from Classical Chinese to English in the near future as my study deepens.

I also recommend Master Chin Kung and Master Renshan's talks on Pure Land Buddhism (of course other Masters are also good, but these are the two teachers I study with and listen to).

One can search animations on YouTube about the three main Pure Land sutras.

1) Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra
   • The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra 【...  

2) The Infinite Life Sutra
   • 佛典動畫2015 - 佛說無量壽經 The Infinite Life S...  

3) The Visualisation/ Contemplation Sutra
   • 016 The Sutra of Visualization of the...  

(more videos on YouTube, link in bio)

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