CO3 - COntinuous COnstruction of Resilient Social COntracts through Societal Transformations

Описание к видео CO3 - COntinuous COnstruction of Resilient Social COntracts through Societal Transformations

Presentation of the project ‘CO3 – COntinuous COnstruction of resilient social COntracts through societal transformations’ by Emilia Palonen (University of Helsinki) and Vanda Amaro Dias (CES - UC). This presentation occurred during the Synergy Creation in Emotions & Politics Research in Europe, organized at the CES on 23 January 2024 by Cristiano Gianolla (CES), Lisete Mónico (FPCEUC/CINEICC) and Beatriz Carbone (U Saarland). Project ‘CO3’ studies: ‘How the contemporary theories of the social contract contribute to our understanding of the social contracts in the current crises-driven European political environment, the empirical ambition is to investigate contradictions and tensions between practices, narratives and lived experiences in social contracts across Europe through concrete cases’.


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