How to Make an Angelic Knot (Prayer Rope Knot)

Описание к видео How to Make an Angelic Knot (Prayer Rope Knot)

Learn how to tie an Orthodox prayer rope knot.

1. Place the anchor knot behind your index finger.
Over the next few steps, you can use your pinky to hold the tails to your palm, keeping
the anchor knot in place.
2. Wrap the right strand around your thumb (front to back).
3. Observe the loop around your thumb, pinch the strand of that loop that is closest to you and loop it over your middle finger.
4. Pinch the left strand of the anchor knot through the center “triangle,” release the loop on your thumb, and replace it with the pinched strand.
Check for a square. This is the first cross.
5. Bring the left strand under the right, then around your ring and middle fingers, tucking it under the strand at the base of your thumb and pulling it all the way through.
Check for a “V” in the middle of your palm. It should consist of two different colored
6. Pinch the V in your palm and loop both strands of the V around your thumb. You will now have 3 strands around your thumb.
7. Wrap the right strand around your ring and middle fingers, tuck it under the 3 strands in between your thumb and index finger, and pull the end of the cord through.
8. Bring the left strand under the right strand, wrap it around your ring and middle fingers, tuck it behind and then under the 3 strands at the base of your index finger, and pull the end of the cord through.
This forms the second cross.
9. Observe the 3 strands wrapped around the outside of your thumb. Locate and pinch the strand that is connected to the anchor knot. Slide all 3 strands off your thumb, replacing only the pinched strand around your thumb.
Don’t tighten the cords yet.
10. With your free hand, use your index and middle finger to pinch the 3 loops located behind your ring finger, while grasping the 1 loop around your middle finger with your thumb and index fingers. Slide all strands off your middle fingers. Retain the one that was looped only around your middle finger while releasing the other strands. Replace the 1 loop around your middle finger.
11. Pull on the loose tails and manipulate the loops on your fingers to make the cords pull together into a knot.
Some find it helpful to pull the top strand of the right loop and the bottom strand of the
left loop to help tighten the knot.
This forms the third cross.
12. Holding the knot in one hand, pull the top strand of the right loop to slide the knot upwards and cinch it tightly against the previous knot.
13. Pull the top strand of the left loop to complete cinching the knot against the previous one.
Make sure to pull hard to get the knot as snug as possible.
14. Grasp the left loop in your left palm along with the 2 loose strands. Point the right loop downwards.
15. Locate the strand of the downward-facing loop that is closest to you. Find the source of the strand (the place where the loop enters the knot and resurfaces). Pinch the “source” of this strand and pull it through upwards.
Make sure to pull hard on this step and the next few steps to make the knot tight.
16. Turn the loop away from you so that it faces downwards again. Locate the “source” of the strand closest to you (where it enters the knot and resurfaces). Pinch and pull through upwards a second time.
17. Repeat the previous step a third time.
This time it goes under a strand of its own color.
You will have pulled this loop through a total of three times.
18. Release the left loop while still holding on to the loose tails. Grasp the right loop with the hand that is still holding the tails. Turn the released loop to face downwards.
19. Locate the strand closest to you, find the “source” of the strand (where it enters the knot and resurfaces), and pull it through upwards.
20. Turn the loop away from you and face it downwards again. Pinch and pull through the “source” of the strand closest to you.
Note that this strand passes through the loop in your palm before entering the knot.
This time it goes under a strand of its own color.
You will have pulled this loop through twice.
21. Releasing both loops, hold the knot and pull one of the loose “tails” so that the loop disappears into the knot.
22. Switch and pull the other “tail” to finish the knot.


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