Alfred Hitchcock - The Dark Ages

Описание к видео Alfred Hitchcock - The Dark Ages

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First off, I owe a huge thank you to Malvolio's Movies. I couldn't have made this without his help. Here's a link to his channel if you want some high quality comedy and video essays:    / @malvoliosmovies7754  

Though rightfully considered one of the greatest filmmaker's of all-time, the final decade of Alfred Hitchcock's career is defined by struggle, with his final four films all trying to recapture the glories of his golden age. This video essay is an attempt to make sense of Hitchcock's dark ages, through analysis of his final four films: Torn Curtain, Topaz, Frenzy, and Family Plot. Critiques of each help us to understand the final decade of Hitchcock's career, as well contextualize the period within the rest of Hitchcock's career.


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