MEET THE MOONSPELLS | Vampire Survivors P6 | Longplay, No Commentary

Описание к видео MEET THE MOONSPELLS | Vampire Survivors P6 | Longplay, No Commentary

Welcome back to Vampire Survivors! Today we get access to the members of the Moonspell family. I don't they're all created equally, but Miang and Menya are PEAK dopamine hits.

Just like yesterday, we'll be working on cleaning up achievements to get access to more gameplay mechanics and weapons.

Today's episode was 79.5 GB, for whoever was curious. :P

Anyways, enjoy your background noise, this is a neat little game that'll occupy me for a bit, I'm sure.

Welcome to Longplay #10, Vampire Survivors! I initally got the idea to play this after getting beat by Camula, a vampire lady from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Spirit Caller. (you should check my playthrough out, it's grand :))

I'll be the first to admit, I may as well be blind regarding this game, I don't know what's meta yet, so that definitely inspires a lot more creativity. Expect a lot of incoherent choices on my end. :)

I thought it would be an amusing adventure and a neat little change of pace from Spirit Caller. Now mind, you I'm not done with that series by any means, I have every intention to beat it. I think I may have to restart Nightmare Troubadour because I can't 100% it due to the bug that prevents Pegasus from spawning at a certain point in the game.

At this point, I'm really just taking a breather to prepare for the nasty grinding session I'll need to do in Spirit Caller, expect another episode soon.

Maybe I'll use this as an excuse to start another Longplay series too, I kinda feel like starting up Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories. There's definitely other options I want to do too. I found this other fascinating JRPG called Resonance of Fate / End of Eternity. On the surface, it looks like modern Final Fantasy, but with guns. I've heard it's a pretty complex game, but I wanna give it a shot.


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