Things Fall Apart Chapter 15

Описание к видео Things Fall Apart Chapter 15

During Okonkwo's second year of exile in Mbanta, his friend Obierika visits with tragic news from the village of Abame. A white man arrived on a bicycle, which the villagers called an "iron horse." Despite initial fear, some approached him, touching his skin. The villagers consulted their oracle, which warned of destruction by white men. When the white man arrived, speaking a strange word, they killed him and hung his bicycle from a sacred tree. Later, more white men and natives came, seeing the bicycle, then left. Weeks later, they returned and massacred the entire village at the market. Okonkwo and Uchendu agree the villagers acted foolishly. Obierika then gives Okonkwo money from selling his yams and promises to continue supporting him until his return or until threatened by the "green men."


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