국립무용단 ‘2022 무용극 호동’ 공연 실황 | National Dance Company of Korea ‘Hodong’

Описание к видео 국립무용단 ‘2022 무용극 호동’ 공연 실황 | National Dance Company of Korea ‘Hodong’

국립무용단 ‘2022 무용극 호동’
2022.10.27.-10.29., 국립극장 해오름극장

출연 및 제작진
제작 국립극장, 국립무용단
원작 송범, 예술감독 손인영, 대본·연출 이지나, 안무 정소연·송지영·송설, 작곡·음악감독 이셋(김성수)
무대디자인 박은혜, 조명디자인 원재성, 의상·장신구디자인 민천홍, 소품디자인 정복모
음향디자인 지영, 영상디자인 윤민철, 분장디자인 박효정, 조안무 황태인·박소영, 조연출 송현정·김재이
무대디자인보 신나경, 홍보사진 황필주
출연 국립무용단·지현준(배우)

© 2022 국립극장. 본 영상물의 무단 전재, 복제 및 배포를 금합니다.

National Dance Company of Korea
National Theater of Korea

‘Prince Hodong (1974)’ created by Song Bum, the first artistic director of the National Dance Company or Korea, opened the era of "Korean-style dance drama."
In a celebration of its 60th anniversary, the NDCK presents ‘Hodong’ with the aim of redefining the identity of dance drama and building a new tradition of the genre. Artistic Director Sohn In-young and director Lee Gi-na join the show. The NDCK's Chung So-yeon, Song Ji-young, and Song Sul present sensuous and graceful movements. The production's top-notch crew also include musical director Kim Sung-soo and designers Min Chun-hong and Park Eun-hye. Classic and futuristic, traditional and trendy, ‘Hodong’ has it all. It is scheduled to open in October at the Haeoreum Grand Theater.

© 2022 National Theater of Korea. All rights reserved.


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