Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Classic Mode - Terry (DLC)

Описание к видео Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Classic Mode - Terry (DLC)

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Doing Terry's Classic Mode run.

"...Palutena, you can toss that deodorant away," Chris pointed out.

"Oh. Oops! I got the wrong guy in mind," Palutena said, tossing a deodorant away. "Anyway, congratulations for clearing your run, unknown stranger. I'll take a wild guess and say your route is surely about whatever your story is about."

"Look at her, taking the easy way out of getting to know a smelly sweaty human," Viridi said.

"You ladies are right up there with the ladies I've met," Terry said. "You up for a fight? This place is full of weirdos tryin' to pick a fight."

"Now now. This is R&R Time with the goddesses. The time to fight will be reserved during working hours or when people want to settle it in Smash," Palutena said. "...Gosh, that line didn't age well."

"Oh, fine. I can spare some time," Terry said, shrugging.

The goddesses grimaced and exchanged looks. "...Are you sure you're not Ken dressed like a punk?" Palutena asked.

"What? No. That guy and me look a bit similar, but we're different people," Terry said.

"You two look like carbon copies of each other! You can't fool me!" Viridi said, laughing.

"There she goes with the carbon copy card again..." Chris muttered.

"Which is why I should bring this up," Palutena said, taking out an invitation letter to Smash Bros. "Thanks to Terry here, we now know how dangerous getting this letter can be."

"Uh, you're kidding, right," Viridi said, looking indifferent.

"Viridi! Show some respect!" Palutena scolded. "A man died trying to reach out for this letter of DEATH. He fell to his death from atop a tower!" Terry hid a small giggle no one heard. "All of us in here are lucky we're not interested in grabbing this...this thing! It brings misfortune, war in social media, and broken friendships! The power and responsibility this carries within its contents is something everyone here should fear with their very souls."

Viridi rolled her eyes. "Last I checked, I don't even care about it...for now," she muttered the last two words.

"I'm legally not supposed to exist in the game," Chris said. He started fading away. "E-except here! HERE!" he shrieked, becoming fully visible again. He sighed afterwards.

"Just waited for the thing to stop in its tracks to pick it up," Terry said.

"And I simply had to be adopted to a new boss to even be considered to gain entry!" Palutena happily said. "...Wait."

Terry yawned. "Seriously, how long is this talk gonna be? I wanna tussle down with some of the guys here. Seem like a pretty curious bunch!" he said, smacking his fists.

"He's like Ryu and Ken fused together, come to think of it..." Palutena wondered.

"Ryu's love for a fight and Ken's good looks," Viridi said. She earned some stares. "...Keep staring and I'll bound and gag you in a dimly lit room!"

"That...that's something you shouldn't threaten people with," Chris muttered.

Terry laughed. "Okay, I'm kind of starting to like my time in here. You guys are a riot!" he said.

"Oh, great. Now he thinks we're Bayonetta!" Palutena expressed with a disgusted look. She brought the letter to her face and shrugged. "Ugh. We don't need this thing around. Off you go now." She tossed the letter into the air, flying through the open window and setting off into its own adventure to Palutena-may-know-where.

The trio watched the letter flying away, looking a bit concerned. "Was that smart to do?" Terry asked. "I mean, I heard from some friends they tried really hard to get this letter and began beating each other up."

"Please. What's the worst that could happen?" Palutena asked with a smile.

"...You forgot today is 'Bring Your Family & Friends to Work' day and there are hundreds of people not affiliated with Smash as playable characters mingling in peace out there," Chris flatly pointed out.

Right after pointing that out, someone was heard yelling, "It's a letter of invitation to SMASH BROS!" from someone before explosions, screams, and the odd earthquakes ensued. Chaos immediately reigned outside the set, with screams, shrieks, cries, war cries, and any other sort of negative yell blared out loudly. The trio glanced over at Palutena, who could only grumble.

"Congrats, Palutena. You proved your point. Those letters are truly evil inventions made by humanity; evil enough to make people break skulls wide open over a flimsy piece of paper," Viridi said. "Don't be so surprised if one of my future slogans for war is about eradicating those letters threatening to destroy the ecosystem."

"Y-yes, that was my intention. The more you know," Palutena said with a twitching smile.

"I feel like I was supposed to be the center of attention," Terry told Chris.

"And I feel like you dodged a godly bullet trying to be THEIR center of attention," Chris wisely replied, confusing Terry.

(continued in comments)


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