SCZ Neural Sim - Bison & Yehrus [77650]

Описание к видео SCZ Neural Sim - Bison & Yehrus [77650]

Elektronomia - Sky High

Joseph The Bison
Just your typical cherno one-shot - nothings special. First pop at 2 notches on the moon is where I need to get the kill.

Cherno - Enigma - M5T2 Dziady
Tess - The Magician - M5T2 Hjartagard
Enya - Exuvia - M3T2 Areca

Lament of Yehrus
This is the interesting boss - I already posted the run previously    • SCZ Neural Sim - Lament of Yehrus 15....   so I wont repeat the details here, check that description for the minutae of the run.

What changed for this is just that I dropped the 3rd charge pre first ult, and added in three more shotgun shots (needed to make up for the lost u-energy). Moved the kaguya support skill to before the second charge as well for a little bit more damage. Dropping the extra charge means much less stacks though, so damage becomes SUPER tight - I had to go through my unlevelled logis and start randomly levelling anything with haste + dmg stat (hp%, atk%, index), and eventually got this bottom piece with +42 AI vs my previous piece. That small amount of AI made the difference here and let me actually kill the boss lol - so damage is right on the edge.

Then, for the very last (theoretical) run - that would've absolutely been a ~13.8s kill if I was M5 or had more damage. The only difference for this run is that I have 1 line of U-Energy regen, which lets me drop 1 shotgon shot from the rotation (which means I can freeze the boss 1 kaguya chakram loop earliler). Maybe with an 8.5% thermal line on that bottom piece, and better rolled hp/3rd lines on the other two I could make that difference up. But the obvious way to make up that damage would be M5 - that would cover it easily. It's probably a good thing that the banner is gone already or my wallet may have been in danger...

Siris - Ksana - M4T2 Scarab
Acacia - Kaguya - M4T2 Navigator
Mauxir - Shadow Ka - M5T2 Amarna

I might be MIA next week - new FF14 expac, so no time to mald neural scores lol.

0:00 Joseph The Bison - Loadout
0:08 Joseph The Bison 9.0s
0:39 Lament of Yehrus - Loadout
0:47 Lament of Yehrus 14.5s
1:27 Lament of Yehrus 13.8s
1:53 Skill Issue

Week of 2024-06-25


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