SCZ Neural Sim - Katya Frostcap 4.3s [39570] Swift M3T2 (Cherno 5.5s, Siris 6.9s)

Описание к видео SCZ Neural Sim - Katya Frostcap 4.3s [39570] Swift M3T2 (Cherno 5.5s, Siris 6.9s)

In Fulgur and Fire - FFXIV (Vanguard Theme)

They really just took Katya, and painted her blue huh. Still an extremely squishy boss. Still got insane random invuln bullshit. ... But this one has 40% weakness to Kinetic :D

Marian - Swift
Swift gets the honors of cap score (for 1 day at least), with that juicy juicy 40% kinetic weakness. At least she finally has one use lol? Actually quite difficult (and frustrating) to play - there are ani-cancels out the waazoo here. Every standard shot needs to be cancelled into a cloud shot as tightly as possible (basically press cloud shot the moment the std shot triggers). Then the first cloud shot needs to get cancelled into kaguya skill BUT NOT TOO QUICKLY or it'll ghost - you actually need to wait quite late into the animation to ensure it goes through (basically there's no buffer at all, you must wait until the damage actually goes through). Then the second cloud shot also needs to be cancelled, this time into Swift Ult, again fairly late into the animation. The back half is only std shot into cloud shot cancels, but you have to be extremely tight on the first one otherwise the boss will go invuln before the second standard shot lands.

My damage is just barely enough here, but I'm only M3 and my logis are absolute garbage (zero kinetic lines) so the threshold for doing this strat isn't actually that crazy - you could easily make up for M5 tess or M4 kaguya with propoer logis. With M5 and good logis you can actually kill the boss with 1 less shot at the end - which would give you a 4.0s clear (at least with this run - it would have been ONE frame from 3.9s, so that's probably possible too with slightly better execution). At least 2 high skill haste lines on logis is mandatory, otherwise the last cloud shot wont be ready for a fraction of a second and you'll bleed some time (already mine is up just barely in time)

Marian - Swift - M3T2 Dharma
Tess - The Magician - M5T2 Hjartagard
Acacia - Kaguya - M4T2 Amarna

Cherno - Enigma
Just a standard cherno run, and I need full stacks to oneshot. With the tess slow there's not actually that much to worry about when it comes to the invuln - usually you kill fast enough that it doesn't happen. Not especially optimized, altho 5.5s was the limit last time I needed a single full pop (Cerberus - although that was with enya) so probably cant go too much faster.

Cherno - Enigma - M5T2 Dziady
Tess - The Magician - M5T2 Hjartagard
Mauxir - Shadow Ka - M5T2 Twilight

Siris - Ksana
Two runs here, the first abuses my max skill haste logis and does a double ult with Tess. The second run is just a bog standard 3-shield into ult though, with both big supports. Again, not particularly optimized, so could probably squeeze a few more 0.1s's out of either of these runs if need be.

Siris - Ksana - M4T2 Scarab
Tess - The Magician - M5T2 Hjartagard
Acacia - Kaguya - M4T2 Amarna
Enya - Exuvia - M3T2 Areca

0:00 Swift 4.3s
0:33 Cherno 5.5s
1:06 Siris (with Haste) 6.9s
1:48 Siris (normal) 7.8s

Week of 2024-07-09


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