What is the GROW model?

Описание к видео What is the GROW model?

To demonstrate common misconceptions with goal setting, Oliver Hill uses the example of a football goal to demonstrate the GROW model in action.

Many of us think of setting goals as being quite a straightforward process. We have a goal (think of it as a football goal) and all we have to do is shoot the ball into the back of the net (to achieve that goal).

But that's not strictly true - on the pitch or in life. In reality, there are multiple ways to score a goal and chances are, we are going to encounter obstacles and challenges along the way to achieving it.

With the GROW model, we can take our goals and can apply an extra level of rigour to the process. We can break down our goal with the analogy of GROW - which is:

G = Goal. Clearly state the goal, what do you want to achieve and by when?
R = Reality. What is your current position? Evaluate (honestly) what your current position is so that you can clearly map a path forwards.
O = Obstacles / Opportunities. What might be the challenges you may encounter on your journey? What opportunities might help you to achieve your goal more successfully?
W = Will. What will you do to achieve your goal? It's all well and good saying you want to achieve a goal, but without commiting to the strategy set out above, you'll find achieving your goal much more challenging.

By applying the GROW model, we can boost our chances of success. Watch the video to find out more about why this approach should be adopted both in business and in life.


Oliver Hill is a coach that helps people with personal development and business coaching. His mission is to help people to achieve their full potential in life and in business, and his clients include innovative entrepreneurs based in the UK and abroad.


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