Why Did I Drown? | Leo Fitz

Описание к видео Why Did I Drown? | Leo Fitz

"I know, I'm almost there."

*pleeease watch in HD or it looks TERRIBLE.

Well this was obviously going to happen. I love Fitz. Fitz has gone through a major transformation in just a few episodes (arguably one episode). It needs to be edited.
This description and this video contain spoilers for Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD season two, which if you haven’t watched it, it’s imperative that you do so. Watch et. Now.
And seriously. I LOVE this show. It’s not like I have five shows I love and fangirl over – no, there is one. Tuesday has become the best night of the week. This show is probably not good for my health. THESE CHARACTERS. As you can see I can turn incoherent when talking about this show. Let’s try again.

Leo Fitz. One of my two favorite liveaction characters ever. The other is Simmons btw.
It is so rare to see a character go through such a transformation. And for the character to be what most people would consider a side character? A little unheard of.
Frankly, Fitz was one of my favorites ever in season one. My love for him built from FZZT and on, until the finale which was just mindblowing. I truly love characters who are so good inside but who go through so much and struggle to keep that goodness. Seriously, he and Simmons are so brave. Because they’re very average people despite being geniuses and then when faced with these dire situations they make these snap-decisions that show them for who they truly are. Like when Fitz was about to jump after Simmons or when he stared down Garret (while probably believing Simmons was dead) or when the finale (yeah, you know.) And he believed in Coulson when it looked like he didn’t know what he was doing and he believed in Ward even when Ward betrayed him.
And Fitz has all these things about him even though he was initially the funny side character. In season one episode one, literally when FitzSimmons came on I was thinking “Oh and these are the characters here just for comic relief but they probably won’t be that funny” (and I thought it with good humor. I was ready to give the show a chance, that was just my honest first impression of them.) And to have them turn into this – Just, what? (but we’ll talk about THEM in another video, this is about Fitz.)
They completely shocked me with his character. I thought he’d be in a coma and then wake up and be fine. Thought that all summer. Then episode one happened. That episode ruined my life for about two weeks. For some reason I was expecting Fitz’s condition to be more physical – like he’d get tired easily or get headaches or stuff like that (yes I don’t know a lot about head trauma.) But THIS? If you told me during the summer that they were going to do this with his character I’d have said “Marvel? Ha. No way.”
And now I’m gonna talk about Iain De Caestecker for a minute. I wonder if they knew at the audition that Fitz was going to become much more developed. They truly got lucky with him though. They didn’t even offer him the part – he auditioned. They could’ve picked some other completely unqualified actor. But thank you Lord for Iain. Wow he is amazing. He can project so much emotion in his face – I know a lot of people have mentioned this before, but the way he looks at Simmons during the finale. O-----O I had to showcase it in this video (and in others). And now he’s playing a character who can’t form sentences and he’s so good at it. You know Fitz actually hasn’t cried that many times in the show? But you can’t tell because he portrays such emotion he doesn’t NEED to cry to get his emotion across.
Ugh, this character. He and Simmons are ruining my life.

Oh, editing? I just had to make this video to get some Fitz emotions out. I told myself I wouldn’t be picky about it but I was. It got done slower than I wanted because I kept adjusting things. I wanted to upload this in between episode 3 and 4 but clearly that didn’t happen.
Also I feel like my episodes kind of suck compared to a lot of peoples? So is everyone using Blue-ray? And won’t those episodes come in really large sizes? If it’s a gig my vegas can barely edit to it. I just want better quality episodes because I don’t know where people are getting theirs. If you have any help to give I will gratefully accept it.
I also rediscovered the Levels effect. Years ago I used it all the time and then I discovered Color Corrector Secondary and wondered why I would have need of levels again, but apparently Levels work very very well with live action.

-- Oh and hey subs! I’m not really a liveaction editor! I’m sort of a SHIELD editor. It’s a different thing. I still edit anime and manga and all those lovely things but I’ll also be editing SHIELD for an undetermined amount of time. Just an FYI.
Video Info:
Song: Down
Artist: Jason Walker
Footage: Agents of SHIELD Season 1 and Season 2 (ep 1,2,&3)


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