We Were Children | Skye + Fitz + Simmons

Описание к видео We Were Children | Skye + Fitz + Simmons

We were children
Thrust into war
and once it ends
What will we become?

Spoilers for Agents of SHIELD, 2x11

I’ve wanted to make a video for the three kids for a long time. If Fitz and Simmons are my favorite two, Skye, Fitz, and Simmons are my favorite three. I’ve loved their friendship since season one and so I’m glad I finally made a video about them. These three do not get enough videos.

It’s been a crazy emotional journey watching these three transform over season one and now in season two. They have changed SO much in such a short amount of time that it’s mind blowing. These three hurt me in so many ways. First there’s FitzSimmons who are the cause of all my problems. This season has been killing me and I know things aren’t going to go back to the way they were for them, and it hurts but I’m finally becoming ok with it. Then there’s Skye who’s changed a lot too, especially now that she’s undergone her transformation which gave her scary powers that the team doesn’t know how to handle. Then there’s just Fitz alone, who went from the smiling funny engineer to the serious character who’s smiled about three times this whole season, who is trying so hard to find himself after his whole world fell apart. And then there’s Simmons who the writers make look like the bad guy, yet who has done nothing but try to help Fitz and who has put herself in harm’s way for her team, and who also feels responsible to protect everyone even though she’s still learning to protect herself. It’s impossible to decide who among these three has changed the most. They’ve all changed, and their relationships to each other have changed.
That’s what this video is about. How these kids went from smiling and excited to very broken individuals, just trying to figure out how to live in their new world. These three are some of the strongest, most heroic, and most vulnerable characters I’ve gotten to see. They are my three favorite characters on Agents of Shield and three of my favorite characters out of anything. These are the kinds of characters that inspire me to become a better writer. In other TV shows the word “hero” is thrown around so easily while in this show it’s been used twice? Also the word “love” is rarely used on this show. Because it doesn’t need to be. The love between the members of the team is so evident, it speaks for itself. And the fact that they’re heroes speaks for itself. One of the taglines (I think) of this show is “Not all heroes are super” and that is the very definition of these three.

I hope I was able to make the changes they’ve faced evident with this video, because that’s what I wanted. This show changes constantly, and it has changed so much from its first episode which has given it incredible character development. There’s so much I could say about the changes but hopefully this video will do.

Editing Comments:
I went for simple. I rarely do videos with so much dialogue in them, so that was interesting! The dialogue in Shield is so powerful you can’t Not use it. Also the instrumental I used made it SO EASY TO AUDIO EDIT IT’S NOT FUNNY. If you’ve seen my Nine Days After video… Yeah, that was an absolute nightmare. It’s amazing how just adding lyrics to a song can change something into a nightmare. The audio editing in this one was a piece of cake.
My coloring was simple too. Too simple actually, but I have trouble coming up with “new” colorings. I hope it was dark enough to create the right atmosphere.
Also, originally when I got an idea for a video about the journey of these three, I was going to use the song Mars by Sleeping At Last. In fact, Mars is PERFECT for them and months ago I was thinking of using it but I never did. The episode Aftershocks finally pushed me to make this, but the episode was so emotional that Mars didn’t seem right. I chose Arctic, a more intense song to show the intensity of the emotion.
Seriously, Aftershocks is the entire reason this got made. The distance between the three of them was so hard to take in that episode. And the Fitz Skye scene was phenomenal. I’m still getting over that episode and it’s been weeks. I wanted to get this video done soon after but it always takes me longer than I plan, especially now that I barely have time to edit!
Just so you know, I tried to put as many parallels in this video as I could think of. I love the parallels in Shield. Some of them here are hard to spot so leave me a comment if you see them and I’ll be impressed. Also if you know where that poem came from you are even more impressive!

This video is part of my Atlas series which has four parts.

Video Info:
Atlas: Part III
[Part IV:    • Mercury  ]
Info: at the end of the video
Inspired by Aftershocks, 2x11
and    • Open your eyes (Fitz/Simmons)  


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