AirBurners Air Curtain Burner - Scott Farms, Inc. Customer Testimonial

Описание к видео AirBurners Air Curtain Burner - Scott Farms, Inc. Customer Testimonial

One of our customer testimonials interviewing Tighe Scott, President and Founder of Scott Farms, Inc. in Saylorsburg, PA on why the Air Burners Air Curtain Burner is the best waste management product for his company.

Air Curtain Burners or FireBoxes by Air Burners Inc., located in Palm City, Fl are the industry leader for waste management technology and used worldwide. Air Curtain Burners are an important tool to combat Climate Change, as they replace open pile burning of wood waste in forestry, agriculture, and in the construction and land clearing business.

Using Air Curtain FireBoxes significantly eliminates smoke emissions from biomass combustion, better referred to as Black Carbon releases. Black Carbon is one of the most potent climate change forcers, and it is classified as a Short-Lived Climate Forcer or SLCF by the IPCC. As 35% of all Black Carbon comes from biomass burning, mitigating it is of the highest priority for the reversal of Global Warming. Utilizing Air Curtain Burners now to replace open burning has a near immediate positive effect on Climate Change.

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