Migraine Causes, Migraine pain Cure, Migraine relief by Homoeopathic Remedy

Описание к видео Migraine Causes, Migraine pain Cure, Migraine relief by Homoeopathic Remedy

In this video you will know about specific remedy of Homoeopathic Medicine for the headache, migraine Homoeopathic treatment, migraine medicine, headache migraine, headache medicine, headache relief by music, headache relief frequency, headache subliminal.

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Note: Should be consulted by a Homoeopathic physician before applying following remedy for your headache.

Specific remedy of Homoeopathic Medicine for the patients as following such as

1. Right sided headache used as "Sanguinaria Canadensis." Sanguinaria canadensis is often indicated for individuals who experience migraines, especially right-sided migraines, which may begin in the back of the head or neck and radiate to the forehead or right eye. They may exhibit a tendency to have throbbing, pulsating headaches that are aggravated by light, noise and motion. Sanguinaria individuals often have a craving for spicy food.

2. Left sided headache used as "Spigelia." This homeopathic remedy is primarily used for treating migraine headaches, which are present on the left side of the head. It is known as left-sided migraine. The headaches are experienced over the head’s left temporal area, the forehead, and eyes. The sensation of a tight band tied around the head is felt or experienced.

3. Glonoinum: This effective homeopathic medicine is used for curing migraine headaches, which occur from excessive congestion in the head. The patient feels that his head has become bigger and will burst. He feels heat around his head, along with protruding eyeballs. This homeopathic medicine is commonly used for treating migraine headaches, which occur from exposure to the sun for a long time.

4. Belladonna: This homeopathic medicine is ideal for the treatment of migraine, in which throbbing headache is the primary feature. The patient experiences a sense of fullness in his head. The headache worsens with exposure to sunlight. This remedy is also used for treating migraine headaches that occur because of catching a cold or from exposure to cold, damp air.

5. Nux Vomica: Nux Vomica is an effective homeopathic treatment of migraine headaches, which occur because of gastric issues. Migraines developing from indigestion, piles, and constipation are cured using this homeopathic medicine. It is an effective remedy and provides quick relief in cases when the headache worsens after eating rich food or drinking alcohol.

6. Head (Headache, Migraine)
This medicine manages headaches very well. The most characteristic feature for its use is headache accompanied by blurring of vision and nausea, and also vomiting. Headaches usually occur on both sides alternately. It is very effective in cases of migraine. One feels throbbing in the temples. Pain is darting, stabbing in nature. The pain may begin on the right or left side and always shifts from one side to the other. Pain in the head gets worse from noise or talking. It gets better when one goes quiet.

7. Natrum Mur – For Headache Over Eyes And Top Of Head
This medicine is recommended for headache over the eyes and the top of the heacharacteristicd with disturbed vision. A very feature is the sensation as if many little hammers are knocking on the brain. It also feels as if the head would burst. The headache usually begins at sunrise and remains till sunset when this medicine is required. There is heated sensation in the head with redness on the face. Nausea and vomiting can attend headache. The pain gets worse from movement, even motion of eyes worsens it. There is relief in pain by applying pressure on the eyes. Sleeping also brings relief. Natrum Mur is also recommended when zig-zag lines like lightening appear in front of the eyes followed by headache in morning time. There is pain on top of the head and forehead with difficulty in opening the eyes.

#homeopathistmdraisulismailkhan #bellydance

Dr. Jahangir Alam
Canopy Homoeo Clinic
Rale Gate Feni, Bangladesh


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