Is rain-on-grid (or direct rainfall) modelling accurate?

Описание к видео Is rain-on-grid (or direct rainfall) modelling accurate?

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00:00​ - Introductions
02:10​ - Catchment Simulation Approaches
04:28 - What is Direct Rainfall
07:52 - #1: Flood Rainfall- Urbanised
19:51 - #2: High Rainfall- Large Rural
29:44 - #3: Low Rainfall- Small Rural
41:15 - Q&A
57:23​ - Wrap-up

***Description*** Webinar number 104

Hear from Phil Ryan from TUFLOW discuss the accuracy of direct rainfall modelling based on benchmarking and calibration to historic data sets, and how new features in TUFLOW’s 2020 release have substantially overcome previous shortcomings of 2D hydraulic solvers for rain-on-grid modelling.

Direct rainfall or rain-on-grid modelling first appeared on the hydraulic modelling landscape in the mid-2000s using TUFLOW as an easier way to model rainfall-runoff in Sydney’s urban environments instead of the traditional, and somewhat tedious approach of delineating sub-catchments for a hydrologic model.

However, there has been very little demonstrating of fit-for-purpose through calibration to historic data with many modellers running blind as to whether their modelling is representative of the real-world. Whilst hydrologic models remain substantially faster, improvements to 2D solvers and GPU acceleration continue to make products like TUFLOW increasingly viable options for simulating the rainfall-runoff hydrologic process due to their faster model setup times and more visual result presentation formats for stakeholders.


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