Established in 2012, the IFOAM Academy launched its first Organic Leadership Course (OLC) in South Asia. Scientists, researchers, certifiers, auditors, producers and traders from around the world have since graduated from the IFOAM Academy. The OLC provides the knowledge, skills, and expertise needed for continued success in the organic sector.
You will learn about:
• Management theories and leadership skills.
• Advocacy and policy-making.
• Organic agriculture production.
• Processing, trade, and consumption.
• Organic Guarantee Systems (OGS).
The OLC entails a kick-off and closing residential session as well as monthly webinars and assignments. Upon successful completion of the course, you will be awarded a Certificate of Achievement.
👩💼👨💼👨🏻💼👨🏼💼 Participants of the European 2016/17 Organic Leadership Course (OLC) to share some thoughts on the future of organic.
Through training platforms, manuals and programs, IFOAM - Organics International has been addressing training needs for decades. Since 2012, with the launch of the first Organic Leadership Course (OLC) in South Asia, training and capacity building finally have their own home in the Organic Academy.
The OLC is our flagship training program, taking place in regions across the globe. This intensive, one-year course empowers participants to assume greater responsibility in finding organic solutions to address the world's environmental and social challenges. Tailored to those aspiring to a career in the organic world, the Organic Leadership Course offers a place to soak in knowledge on organic agriculture and hone holistic leadership skills in an interactive environment.
🔎 LEARN MORE about the Organic Academy:
Benefits of Becoming a Part of Organic Academy:
• The full picture: Organic Agriculture from field to plate.
• Sustainable strategies tailored to individual needs.
• Deepened understanding of the principles of Organic Agriculture.
• Inspiration for organic development.
• An action network of like-minded peers.
📂 DISCOVER MORE about the Organic Leadership Courses:
The OLC offers a place to soak in the knowledge of Organic Agriculture and hone holistic leadership skills in an interactive environment. Providing 150 hours of intensive training in a class of 20 to 26 participants, OLCs are organized in nearly all world regions, each with locally relevant content put into international perspective.
Organic Leadership Courses Around the World:
📧 GET IN TOUCH for more information:
[email protected]
📝 APPLY for Upcoming Courses:
Foundation Course:
The Organic Foundation Course (OFC) assist in providing space for learning and for developing innovative strategies and strong networks.
Regenerative Agricultural Course - Somerset, England
Join the regenerative agriculture community and strengthen your own knowledge and understanding. Share with and learn from expert trainers in the field of regenerative and organic agriculture development.
💻 CHECK OUT the personal stories from organic farmers and updates from organic projects working on the ground to build change on our blog Organic Without Boundaries:
Celebrating 5 years of the Organic Academy:
How Policy-Makers can promote Organic Sector Growth by investing in Education:
📩 SUBSCRIBE to our blog ORGANIC WITHOUT BOUNDARIES for informative articles:
🔎 FIND OUT MORE about our ongoing campaigns ‘Good Food 4 All‘:
Join The Honest Food Campaign
On World Food Day, 16 October 2019, IFOAM - Organics International will launch Honest Food, a campaign aiming to inspire citizens to make better food choices by highlighting the benefits of organic, local, seasonal and fair food on people and the planet.
📲 SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel to watch campaign videos.
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#LuvOrganic #WeUnite #GoodFood4All
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