4th Of Ju-Slime 2020, Part 7 - The Grilleration!!!

Описание к видео 4th Of Ju-Slime 2020, Part 7 - The Grilleration!!!

Originally recorded July 4, 2020.

OK, it's time for the grilleration, on the new grill! Must christen the new grill with Dirty Jay Burgers™!!! Also, happened to be at Lidl and picked up their Lidl-brand all-beef franks. Those were some of the best hot dogs I have had in a long time! Next I was there I picked up 2 more packages, and then gave one of them to my dad.

xjoe81x showed up again, and as usual, started confusing carbon monoxide detectors with catalytic converters. Wait till Sarah finds out about this one!


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