Grandma3 Midi to OSC - Part III: Encoders, Fader, Feedback

Описание к видео Grandma3 Midi to OSC - Part III: Encoders, Fader, Feedback

This episode deals with how to map midi encoders to encoders of GrandMA3 onPC, how to use the executor faders, and how to send feedback to the motor faders of the X-Touch.
Here is some supplemental stuff and background to the video:

A page with updates, error corrections and FAQs, that will continuously be fed with material is here:
* fix double sending commands, filter conditions in Chataigne
* background information on encoders

00:00 Intro
00:17 Map encoders
01:19 Modify Chataigne module files for encoders
03:52 Map Pan encoder
04:45 Send commands, fire up presets
05:25 Feedback to X-Touch motor faders
06:00 Install plugin in onPC
07:05 Enable Midi send in onPC
07:45 Watch it in action


Информация по комментариям в разработке