Make a black tea _ ASHIQ Live music _ Then the sheep can sleep deeper _ Part2 _ May 27, 2024

Описание к видео Make a black tea _ ASHIQ Live music _ Then the sheep can sleep deeper _ Part2 _ May 27, 2024

How you can make a good tea in the nature of the village by woods and singing songs by music instrument that called Gopuz , near the sheep ?
The best beautiful day with shepherding and live music by Ashiq Safdar in the beautiful nature of the village. This is part 2 . follow us to see more and other parts.
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Iran_ Azerbaijan _ Azari language _Turkish language

Shepherd training and the daily life of a shepherd in the beautiful natural scenery of Iran .
How to be a professional shepherd?
walking around the beautiful mountain of Iran .

a shepherd has 26 sheep and 5 died how many are left


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