Sonya Blade, Kung Lao, & Liu Kang's Favorite Mortal Kombat Characters

Описание к видео Sonya Blade, Kung Lao, & Liu Kang's Favorite Mortal Kombat Characters

I had a blast at the Utah Retro Game Expo, and one of the huge reasons is being to hang out with some amazing people. Getting to hang out with the original actors and actresses from Mortal Kombat and have a growing friendship with them is nothing short of amazing. One thing I was curious about was who each of their favorite Mortal Kombat characters were that they did NOT portray. I was able to ask Elizabeth Makeki (Sonya Blade), Anthony (Tony) Marquez (Kung Lao) and Ho-Sung Pak (Liu Kang and Shang Tsung) this question and I'm glad each found the question interesting, and I thought each of their answers were equally interesting.

Elizabeth Malecki - Original Sonja Blade Actress
Her Pick: Johnny Cage:
Introduced in Mortal Kombat (1992), Johnny Cage is a martial artist and actor who is tricked by the sorcerer Shang Tsung into entering the latter's Mortal Kombat tournament to prove that he does not rely on special effects in his films and improve his marketability. In the sequel Mortal Kombat II (1993), Johnny disappears from the set of his latest film to join Earthrealm's warriors, led by Mortal Kombat champion Liu Kang, in traveling to the otherworldly dimension of Outworld to compete in a second Mortal Kombat and save their world from Outworld tyrant, Shao Kahn.

Anthony Marquez - Original Kung Lao Actor
His Pick: Baraka

Baraka was introduced in Mortal Kombat I/ as a mean, frightening, and unpredictable Outworld warrior in service of Emperor Shao Kahn. He belongs to a race of nomadic mutants, later revealed in Morta/ Kombat: Deception to be called Tarkata, who populate the vast wastelands of Outworld. Originally, this race was said to be a crossbreed between Netherrealm demons and Outworlders. In the alternate timeline, this is retconned, in which the Tarkatans are now their own separate species within Outworld, originating from an unnamed realm that was conquered long ago by Shao Kahn.

Ho-Sung Pak - Original Liu Kang and Shang Tsung Actor
His Pick(s) - Sub-Zero & Scorpion

Sub-Zero: When he first appeared in the first Mortal Kombat, Sub-Zero featured only two special moves: his ice blast and sliding kick. These moves have become Sub-Zero's trademark since then, being featured in every game that Sub-Zero has appeared in (Mortal Kombat II and subsequent games feature a younger Sub-Zero whose identity is Kuai Liang). Mortal Kombat II added his ground freeze move, and two new Fatalities including the now-famous one where he would freeze and shatter the victim.

First appearing in Mortal Kombat, Scorpion was a warrior with a wife and child who was killed by Sub-Zero before being allowed to return to the physical realm as an undead specter to seek revenge by killing him in turn. In Mortal Kombat II, Scorpion is manipulated into believing Sub-Zero has returned and joins the titular tournament to kill him once more. However, he learns the new Sub-Zero is Bi-Han's younger brother, Kuai Liang. As atonement for killing the former, Scorpion decides to become the latter's guardian.

I don't know about you, but I thought these were really interesting answers. We have more for you from the Mortal Kombat actors coming in future videos! Whether on the Arcade Machines, Super Nintendo or Sega Genesis, these are amazing games created by some of the most amazing people.

#mortalkombat #JohnnyCage #Raiden #Baraka #Subzero #LiuKang#FightingGames #MortakKombat2 #DanielPesina #CarlosPesina


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