कंधे में दर्द या जकड़न की कसरत

Описание к видео कंधे में दर्द या जकड़न की कसरत

frozen shoulder is very common problem in Diabetics and Thyroid patients. It can be treated with medicines and physiotherapy. Here is some detail information about Frozen shoulder.
Frozen shoulder is pain full stiffness of the shoulder. It is due to following causes.
1. If you have Diabetes or Thyroid than chances of having Frozen Shoulder is very high.
2. Injury or fracture can also cause shoulder stiffness.
3. Rotator cuff tear or Bankart surgery can also causes Frozen Shoulder.
In frozen shoulder patient can not lift his shoulder or scratch over back or can not do over head activities.
Treatment of frozen Shoulder can be done by following methods.
1. Medicine
2. Hot water fomentation
3. Injection
4. Arthroscopic adhesiolysis.
How to do physiotherapy at home for frozen shoulder.
it can. not be done with out taking Pai killers and hot water fomentation. Try to sit in sunlight.
1.Do pendulam exercises , you can use table support. You can do in the bed also.
2.You can use a wall to learn forward abduction and side abduction.
3. Muscle strengthening can be increases by pushing wall gently.
If you want to learn few more exercises or any other complete information about frozen shoulder you can use 8290688810 for online consultation.


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