
Описание к видео #Wallenstein

1-Historical background:

Birth name: Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius von Wallenstein (Wallenstein)
(24 September 1583 – 25 February 1634).

Wallenstein was born in the Kingdom of Bohemia into a poor Protestant noble family. He acquired a multilingual university education across Europe and converted to Catholicism in 1606. A marriage in 1609 to the wealthy widow of a Bohemian landowner gave him access to considerable estates and wealth after her death at an early age in 1614. Three years later, Wallenstein embarked on a career as a mercenary by raising forces for the Holy Roman Emperor in the Uskok War against the Republic of Venice.

In 1618, Wallenstein fought for the Catholics in the Protestant Bohemian Revolt . A series of military victories against the Protestants powers of Germany, Denmark and Sweden raised Wallenstein's reputation in the Imperial court. In 1625 he raised a large army of 50,000 men to further the Imperial cause. For his successes, Wallenstein became an Imperial count palatine and made himself ruler of the lands of the Duchy of Friedland in Northern Bohemia (Czech now). In 1633, Wallenstein realised the war could last decades, so that he arranged a series of armistices to negotiate PEACE PROCESSES. However, he later fell out of favor and was murdered by officers loyal to the emperor.

2-Memmingen, Wallenstein and his military :
In 1630, Wallenstein was stayed in Memmingen (German city). The procession marking the arrival of this commander is accompanied by numerous groups, including musketeers, pikemen, jugglers, sutlers and minstrels.

3-The 1630 Event :
Wallenstein 1630 in Memmingen- citizens of the city play their history. Every four years, Memmingen city hosts this big festival. More than 4,000 participants reenact the events of 1630 in Memmingen. A colorful program of adventurous equestrian games, historic church services, medieval processions and authentic camp life to a craft market offers varied entertainment for young and old.

4-Tourism 07/24 – 07/31/2022:
A trip to Memmingen will good and great experience for the whole family.

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