蒜蓉粉絲蒸帶子 Steamed Scallop with Garlic and Vermicelli **字幕CC Eng. Sub**

Описание к видео 蒜蓉粉絲蒸帶子 Steamed Scallop with Garlic and Vermicelli **字幕CC Eng. Sub**

帶子 - 5隻
蒜頭 - 半個
粉絲 - 50克
薑、蔥 - 適量
蠔油 、胡椒粉、蒸魚豉油 - 適量

1️⃣ 粉絲用冷水浸泡15分鐘,瀝乾備用。
2️⃣ 將帶子殼刷乾淨,去除內臟,洗淨瀝乾水。
3️⃣ 在蒜蓉中加入少許薑末,灒入熱油,加入少許蠔油及胡椒粉拌勻。
4️⃣ 起出帶子肉,粉絲塾底放回殼中,將蒜蓉醬均勻鋪在帶子面。
5️⃣ 水滾下鍋,大火蒸3分鐘。帶子較大可蒸完後靜置1分鐘再開蓋。
6️⃣ 撒上蔥花,淋上熱油及蒸魚豉油。

🟢 Ingredients:
Scallops - 5 pieces
Garlic - half a bulb
Vermicelli - 50 grams
Ginger, spring onion - as needed
Oyster sauce, pepper powder, seafood soy sauce - as needed

🟢 Cooking Directions:
1️⃣ Soak the vermicelli in cold water for 15 minutes, then drain and set aside.
2️⃣ Clean the scallop shells, remove the intestines, wash, and drain.
3️⃣ In the minced garlic, add a little minced ginger, drizzle with hot oil, add some oyster sauce, and pepper powder, mix well.
4️⃣ Remove the scallop meat, place the drained vermicelli at the bottom of the shells, then place the scallop meat on top. Evenly spread the garlic sauce on the scallops.
5️⃣ Bring water to a boil in the steamer, steam over high heat for 3 minutes. For larger scallops, let them sit for 1 minute after steaming before uncovering.
6️⃣ Sprinkle with chopped spring onion, drizzle with hot oil and seafood soy sauce.

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