Beef Jerky cured then smoked and dried in the Big Chief Electric Smokehouse

Описание к видео Beef Jerky cured then smoked and dried in the Big Chief Electric Smokehouse

Pastrami Beef Jerky

- 3 1/2 lbs beef (I used top round steak)
- 7 tsp Morton Tender Quick (2 tsp/lb)
- 2 Tbsp Gravy Master
- 2 Tbsp ground black pepper
- 2 Tbsp ground coriander
- red pepper(omitted)

- freeze meat for 30-60 mins (so meat slices easier).
- remove meat from freezer, slice into 3/16"-1/4" strips.
- sprinkle Morton Tender Quick on meat (mix thoroughly).
- cover, refrigerate 1-2 days (mixing daily).
- remove from refrigerator.
- rinse meat under cold water to remove excess salt (optional)
- add Gravy Master to meat (mix thoroughly)
- sprinkle pepper & coriander on meat (mix thoroughly).
- place meat on drying screens.

- place drying screens on wire shelves then on drying rack and
lower into the smokehouse.
- the Big Chief runs between 165-185 deg F (outside temp was 72
deg F & low humidity).
- smoke for about 2 hrs (2 pans of hickory chips) cooked/dried 3
more hours (no smoke).
- cook time 5 hrs total.
- cooking/drying time will vary depending on weather and
temperature of your smoker/dehydrator.
- bring to an internal temp of 155 deg F.
- feel/taste to your desired texture/dryness.



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