世界最大の防潮堤を有する田老地区の被害 [震災3日目]

Описание к видео 世界最大の防潮堤を有する田老地区の被害 [震災3日目]

Damage at Tarō district in Miyako city, possessor of the greatest seawall in the world (Third day following the earthquake)
The Japanese text is followed by an English translation.
津波の被害を受けた岩手県宮古市田老地区(震災3日目 : 午前)
遠く北東方向に破壊された田老野球場の姿が見え、県道171号線沿いには「三陸大津波 昭和8年(1933年) ここまで」の看板が痛々しく立っている。


Tarō district of Miyako city, Iwate prefecture suffering damages by the tsunami. (Third day following the earthquake) Staff head down National Route 45 near Nishimukaiyama where Miyako City Tarō Filtration Center stands. The nearby neighborhood is over 600m away from the shore, but is now buried by gravel and rubble carried forth by the tsunami. Search and rescue operations by the the Self-Defense Forces are continuing. Far up in the northeastern direction, Tarō Baseball Field lies in ruins, and along prefectural road 171 stands a pitiful sign that reads "Tsunami of Sanriku earthquake in 1933 (Showa 8th) reached up to here". Staff climb on to the local railroad track of the Sanriku Railroad Line(Kita-riasu Line), lying on slightly higher ground to head further north. Arriving at Tarō station, it overlooks the town that has transformed completely. The great seawall that extended along the eastern and western coastal strip of the town, known as the "Great Wall of China" lies in a state of destruction, even in its inland areas. This is the gigantic seawall that stands 10m above sea level, that even withstood the tsunami resulting from the Valdivia earthquake of 1960 receiving recognition by international media as a symbol of the "Tsunami-proof Town". We realize the intensity of the tsunami that climbed over this seawall with ease once again. Demolished houses are even pushed up to the railroad tracks of Kita-rias Line, lying on slightly higher ground than the seawall, obstructing the way of passers-by. However, the roads on lower ground running through the town are cut off by mud or debris. Thus the local residents still walk along this railroad track to come and go about the town.

Reporting in the footage is Tadanori Kawamura of Fuji TV

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