02: Begin to write a simple journal.

Описание к видео 02: Begin to write a simple journal.

How to write a journal?

Welcome back to our channel! In today's video, I'm Akhilesh Bhuvanendran, your life coach, and I'll discuss a simple and effective way to start journaling for self-awareness. When everything else seems to fail, journaling comes to the rescue, creating clarity within us. Let's dive into an uncomplicated journaling method that I personally find helpful.

Journaling : A Simple Start to Self-Awareness

Discover how to use journaling as a straightforward tool to gain self-awareness. The best time for this journaling method is just before bedtime. Disconnect from distractions, find a comfortable spot, and have your pen and journal ready. You don't need anything fancy; any notebook will do.

Start with a grounding activity like box breathing to calm your mind and body. Box breathing involves inhaling for four seconds, holding for four seconds, exhaling for four seconds, and holding again for four seconds. Repeat this cycle a few times to achieve a relaxed state.

Once you're calm, open your journal and start writing down whatever comes to mind—good or bad experiences, thoughts, or ideas. Let your thoughts flow freely without judgment.

Next, reflect on any challenging situations you wrote down. Consider how you can improve your response to handle similar situations with greater awareness. Also, reflect on positive experiences and think about how they made you feel and how you can apply those strategies to other areas of your life.

Include a gratitude section where you write down appreciation for the positive things that happened during the day. List at least three things you're grateful for to shift your mindset to the positive.

Finally, create a to-do list for the next day with six major tasks, prioritizing them. Perform the grounding activity again before heading to bed. This process will align your mind and body for the improvements you desire and the tasks you need to tackle the next day.

Over time, this journaling method will provide you with a blueprint of yourself, accelerating your personal growth.

Thanks for joining me today! I hope this simple journaling method helps you as much as it has helped me. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit the bell icon so you don't miss any updates. Happy journaling, and see you next time!

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