Amazing Long Neck Karen Tribe in Chiang Mai Thailand

Описание к видео Amazing Long Neck Karen Tribe in Chiang Mai Thailand

We were excited to see Karen Village in Chiang Mai, Thailand. We have only seen them in photos and in documentaries and we dodn’t know much about the long neck women.

We headed out on March 5, 2023, Day 5 of our Bangkok Tour. We waljed in to the Bang Sue Central station'), is the central passenger terminal in Bangkok and the current railway hub of Thailand. Alas, we got the regular train for 310 Baht! Quite a struggle!

Karen Village was quiet and peaceful. It was a long road that housed houses on both sides selling handicrafta made by the long neck women. There were families, kids playing and a woman strumming her guitar.

We were so grateful to the oldest member I should think, of the tribe, for being kind and accommodating so we ended up buying a chime.

Next stop is a Michellin Star restaurant in Chiang Mai!



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