Autism and PTSD. Claims from flawed studies.

Описание к видео Autism and PTSD. Claims from flawed studies.

My name is Xanthe.

Wasn't up to speaking on video but I tried anyway. Distracted by sound of flatmates talking in other parts of the house (sensitive to sound).

Most of my impairment is from a mental injury of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from trauma. This is despite treatment.

Wanted to comment on how some social media influencers are using headlines of flawed research to support their bias. Claim that they are 'traumatised' trying to communicate.

Currently, it's trendy online to say that cPTSD (complex PTSD) is from lots of small traumas that aren't medically defined as trauma. And that PTSD is from a single bigger trauma.

This isn't actually true. I am diagnosed with PTSD and there is more than one big trauma. I asked my psychologist about this and she said my trauma is 'complex' but doesn't get called 'complex PTSD'. I meet criteria for PTSD.

Trauma is being so watered down now that it's very trendy now to self-diagnose with cPTSD. This seems to be a pattern after identifying as autistic and/or ADHDer (or AuDHDer) didn't fix all their issues.

Diagnoses are being watered down by those who want validation, yet have little to no impairments. (They tend to preach it's just a difference and shouldn't be called a disorder).

I trimmed out the long pauses in this video to try make it a bit shorter.

Referring to 2 links about an Australian study claiming to prove links with autism and PTSD:

The second link is the study itself. It has many flaws, including that a study on mice (which doesn't extrapolate well to humans). Plus subjecting the mice to several other stressors. (Have to question the ethics of such studies - cruelty in my books). Then assuming the freeze response & licking is ASD and/or PTSD.

The study (despite the bold media headlines) certainly doesn't support social media influencers saying things like: 'I have cPTSD from being traumatised from communicating'.


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