Plastic Surgeon: GRWM Daily Make Up Routine and Facial Cosmetic Surgery

Описание к видео Plastic Surgeon: GRWM Daily Make Up Routine and Facial Cosmetic Surgery

Hey guys, GRWM as I do my daily make up routine and discuss the similarities between make up cosmetics and facial aesthetic surgery.

We have all seen amazing make up transformation videos. I would binge watch make up tutorials and be amazed at the things that could be accomplished!

But then I began to realize as I went through my plastic surgery training that what we were doing with facial cosmetic surgery was exactly what people were trying to simulate with make up.

As it turned out, my knowledge of what the latest trends were in make up contouring helped me better understand what I needed to simulate when performing cosmetic facial surgery procedures.

Understanding the make up cosmetic side of things and goals that patients are trying to achieve while also understanding the surgical aspect of what is actually achievable allows me to better counsel my patients on what their expectations should be.

Think of the face as being divided into horizontal thirds. As plastic surgeons that is one way we analyze the face to determine what we need to address in the upper, middle and lower thirds of the face. We then make a plan that will give the patient a more youthful appearance.

First we look at the brow to make sure it is in the appropriate position as this dictates on if by how much we need to address the upper eyelids. If we need to address the brow position, this is done with a brow lift.

When looking at the upper and lower eyes, we assess the presence of excess skin and excess fatty tissue (bags) around the eyes. We can remove this extra tissue with upper and lower eyelid lifts. This helps to open up the eyes so that they seem brighter, and remove the dark circles or bags of the lower eye that make you look older or tired. We want the lower eyelid to blend seamlessly into the cheek region.

When looking at the central face we look at the cheeks and the nose. For the cheeks, we can augment lost volume with filler or fat grafting. We can also help with drooping volume by doing a mid face lift to reposition sagging tissues.

For the nose, we look at specific landmarks and subunits of the nose to determine what aspects of the nose aesthetics need improving. It's a complex analysis and surgery as we have to keep in mind not only the look but also the function of the nose.

For the lower face we look at the jowl region, lips, chin and jawline. Facelifts address the jowls that can develop with age. Fat grafting or filler can improve volume of the lip. Lip lifts can also help with patients that have thin appearing upper lips. Chin augmentation with implants or filler (and sometimes bony work) can be done to give a stronger or defined look. Same with the jawline, where filler or bony work can be done to change the appearance.

And lastly, while not necessarily a part of the face, but still very important is the neck. Necklifts are very popular to help remove excess skin or fat from underneath the chin and smooth out wrinkles of the neck to give a more youthful appearance.

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