[WoC] Raid on Kaineng Center as Paragon

Описание к видео [WoC] Raid on Kaineng Center as Paragon

Guild Wars Beyond, Winds of Change: Raid on Kaineng Center [Hard Mode Only]
WoC Playlist:    • Guild Wars: Winds of Change (Reduced ...  

For the first five minutes you can fight the thugs close at their spawn point. After that, they will start spawning at two different locations, so you should fall back to the gate. Don't worry, you won't miss this state of the quest as you get a notification by Guardsman Qao Lin.
At this point, spread out. Else you might have trouble with some AoE damage sources such as Savannah's Heat.

There's a bunch of imperial guardsmen which can follow you around. To increase their survivability you can run a communing prot ritualist hero. It's worth it, they hit really hard.

►Builds used in this walkthrough
Player (OQGjUllMaS8Ele+ihiKYietbAhA)
Hero 1 (OQhkAoC8AGKzJAna6me5gMARI5C)
Hero 2 (OQhkAoC8AGKzJAna6me5gMARQDA)
Hero 3 (OQhkAoC8AGKzJAna6me5gMARQDA)
Hero 4 (OQBDAqwDOnAcqprIkDyAEhhA)
Hero 5 (OQBDAqwDOnAcqprIkDyAEhhA)
Hero 6 (OAhkQgG5RFyzdwOUVlmTOh3wccC)
Hero 7 (OACjAyhDJPYTnp17xFOhmqzLGA)


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