Sengoku Basara 3: Utage - Sasuke Sarutobi Story Mode

Описание к видео Sengoku Basara 3: Utage - Sasuke Sarutobi Story Mode

Here we have Sasuke's story, who has a pretty well updated moveset from his past self in SB2. Hell, his moveset is even pretty different from SB3. It's refreshing and fun to use. A bit tricky to figure out how it works and I doubt I figured out all the secrets to it while playing myself.

His story takes place during the events of SB3. This 1st stage is particularly interesting because we pretty much get to play the opening battle that we saw so many times while playing story modes in SB3. Sasuke intrudes on this battle to gather information to aid the Takeda in their time of crisis.

Pretty simple stage, you just go and take over based quickly. I know for a fact I missed something because I never encountered Kotaro, despite there being a cutscene showing him zip by some peons. Can't really say I'm qualified to talk about it knowing I missed stuff.

When Sasuke meets Yoshitsugu and Motonari at the end, Yoshitsugu pretty much spills the beans right away and encourages the Takeda to side with them.

After that, Sasuke returns to Ueda to mention giving a choice for Yukimura to possibly side with the Western Army, but finds it under attack by Masamune. Or more correctly, already taken over by Masamune. His 2nd stage is one we've done a fair few times in SB3, but it's still a fairly uncommon and unique stage, so not altogether unwelcomed.

Sasuke yells at Yukimura for letting the castle get occupied because Yukimura had left since he had grown worried about Sasuke and wanted to meet him half-way on his return. Then he goes to take it back himself and has some banter with Masamune and Kojuro about monkeys, which really falls flat if you don't know that monkey in Japanese is "saru" and he's talking about himself with the story. (His last name is Sarutobi, uses the same kanji for monkey.) Honestly, I can see why this series' dialogue is so hard to put into English... A lot of it just doesn't work in a language that isn't Japanese.

Anyways, Masamune decides to leave rather than continue the fight, even when Yukimura finally intervenes.

3rd stage is another unique one, where Sasuke goes to Osaka to showcase the Takeda's strength for the Toyotomi forces before formally requesting an alliance. Yoshitsugu encounters him but decides to be a little prick and tell Mitsunari that he's a Tokugawa spy. Mitsunari is triggered immediately.

But after being "defeated" it's revealed it was just a shadow clone of Sasuke and he wasn't actually defeated by them. The narration afterwards mentions that it was the Ishida who requested an alliance with the Takeda first.

Now as for his moveset, as I was saying before, Sasuke's S-string has been almost completely changed, along with...I think most of his moves. Feels almost like a new character and it's a welcome change, since his former moveset wasn't all that great, it had a lot of openings for enemies to take advantage of. He can combo really well, and holding down Square for most of his moves will allow a shadow clone to do a follow up attack, an especially big one if its at the end of his S-string. Just make sure it hits ,because he leaves himself wide open otherwise.

Didn't unlock all of his moves, but that's just how it goes. Maybe when I get to SB4 I can see his whole moveset.


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